Are Your Hands Shivering? Here Are 6 Exercises For Relief

Here are some exercises that can control the shivering of your hands because of some common problems.
Are Your Hands Shivering? Here Are 6 Exercises For Relief

Shivering of hands is usually a condition that is more common towards older adults as they are more vulnerable to neurological or muscle disorders. There are certain neurological conditions because of which hand tremors can become evident. Even though the exact cause of it is not known, it happens because of dysfunction in the central nervous system which affects your muscles and nerves affecting their condition. The common cause of this condition is essential tremor disorder, it can also be caused because of Parkinson’s Disease in older adults. Today we will have a look at some conditions that can control and improve the condition of shivering of hands.  

Exercises to control Shivering of Hands 

There are certain exercises by which you can control shaking of your hands and can control the urge of hand shivering. Here are some exercises for your help- 

1. Rubber ball exercise 

Rubber ball exercises come very handy in terms of controlling tremors of your hands. This is so because by pressing the ball, the nerves are able to control their response. Hold the ball as tight as possible and try to squeeze it. This helps to improve the central nervous response in those nerves and lower your tremors. You need to squeeze and then release the ball in your palms 10 times, each time hold it tight for 5 seconds. 


2. Hand Dumbbell Exercise 

One of the easiest and effective exercise for eradicating tremors by exercise is hand dumbbell exercise. This is used by Parkinson’s patients as well because it helps the nerves to relieve fatigue and stress that has been caused because of disease or tremors. For this exercise you need to do the following- 

  • Spread your hands in the upward direction 
  • Now take the dumbbell of approximately 1-3 pounds 
  • Position your hands and wrist, palm side up over the table 
  • Now place the weights on your hands and slowly move your wrists up and down. 
  • Complete one set of 20 repetitions properly 

3. Finger Tap Exercise 

In this exercise your need to build control over your fingers and movement of the hands. Finger tap exercise is a simple exercise that will keep your hands engaged and focus on the movement controls. Keep the middle finger in the upper portion of the thumb, now place the ring finger in the same process. After this, follow the same process by reversing the direction. Shake your hands till then. 

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4. Straight Fist Exercise 

One of the exercises that is used for tremors in the hand is related to fist and that is used to control the sensations present in the palm and the wrist as the whole. In this exercise your finger will come down and then go up all the way. After this, your arm will support the elbow and then place it over the table. Continue this exercise for about 20 times in a set for benefits to your health.  


5. Wrist Flexion 

One of the ways to control shivering of your hands in related to your wrist flexion and wrist extension. As the result of this process, keep your edge on the table and then bend your wrist down. After this keep the wrist up and continue for about 20 times. Wrist flexion exercise is effective in Parkinson’s, Shivering and other causes of hand tremors. Wrist flexion should be accompanying with other exercises for shivering of hands to have an evident effect on your hands.  

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6. Supination and Pronation 

Pronation is the function of rotating a particular limb towards the inside. In this function, the hand is turned towards the palm when it is facing downwards. Supination is opposite of pronation and it is related to specific motion that tackles a particular section of the muscles. In supination, the muscles cause the limb to move in outer circle that means anti-clockwise and palms facing upwards.

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